科学人 网站 2014-07-31
日本战犯今吉均:捕杀大量抗日军民 好斩首
人民网7月29日电 国家档案局今天发布第28名日本战犯今吉均的罪行笔供。
1935年8月,参加日军肃清珠河县治安行动,在某村庄逮捕1名中国青年, “在大豆地里将他斩首了”。后在某村又逮捕5名青年,先后全部将其用军刀杀死。前后所烧民房达“540户人家,使3千数百名居民走投无路”。
笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English)
Hitoshi Imayoshi(今吉均)
According to the written confession of Hitoshi Imayoshi in June 1954, he was born in Oita Prefecture, Japan in 1906. In 1932, he worked in the Instruction Department of Japanese Mukden Autonomous Government. He became the Director of Police Department of the puppet Longjiang Province in 1943.
Major offences:
August 1932: in order to suppress the anti-Japanese movement, “mobilized 500 policemen and 800 members of the Self-Defense Forces”, “arrested 6 patriots in a place 2 kilometers outside the west gate of Changtu County seat” and put them into prison, later they were all killed successively. In early November, near Changtu Station, ordered Japanese policemen, “to behead a Chinese peasant by Japanese sword”;
Mid-February 1933:arrested 22 or 23 anti-Japanese people around Liangzhongqiao and Tongjiangkou areas; in early March, ordered to have the 14 people, including Tian Wang, who was Commander Tian Zhendong’s father, and Chief of Staff Zhu Xiaofei,“shot to death in the open space to the south of Changtu County seat”;
May: went to work in the puppet Rehe Interim Government and during this term, “assisted the police department in suppressing the people and cultivating poppies for Civil Affairs Bureau to produce opium” to poison the Chinese people;
August 1935:took part in Japanese military action of rectifying public order in Zhuhe County, arrested a young Chinese in a village and “beheaded him in a soybean field”; later, arrested another 5 young Chinese in a village and killed them successively with saber; burned down “houses of 540 households, making over 3,000 residents homeless and hopeless” in different cases;
1943:“set up a correction and instruction institution in Kangtai, Longjiang Province” and successively “sent about 2,100 anti-Japanese and anti-“Manchukuo” Chinese patriots to the institution” and “forced them to do labor work, causing many of them to die”;
September 1943:“secretly arrested a Chinese”, who was later injected to death after the interrogation with torture failed, and his body was thrown into Nenjiang River;
February 1944:arrested anti-Japanese people, “arrested two people in Jingxing County and one in Taonan County”, in June, “arrested 42 patriots” and sent them to the prison in Qiqihar, where one of them was tortured to death.
人民网7月29日电 国家档案局网站今天发布第27名日本战犯岐部与平的罪行笔供。笔供显示,岐部与平曾征用约10万中国劳工或“国兵”(伪军),并售卖超过百万两鸦片。
笔供英文内容提要(Abstract of the Written Confessions in English)
Yohei Kibe(岐部与平)
According to the written confession of Yohei Kibe in July 1954, he was born in Oita Prefecture, Japan in 1895. In June 1921, he served as officer of the Japanese Kwantung Government and chief of Finance Division of the puppet Dalian Civil Affairs Bureau. He became director-general of Social Welfare Department of the “Manchukuo” in April 1944. On 26 October 1945, he was arrested by the Soviet Army in Changchun.
Major offences:
After June 1939:while being governor of the puppet Andong Province, ordered to use “about 47,000” Chinese people as laborers, some of them “got sick or died due to bad living conditions” and “15 people died”;
From 1939 to 1941:introduced 14 “Japanese pioneer immigration teams”, altogether 650 households, into Mishan, Linkou, Hulin and Baoqing counties, taking the Chinese people’s land by force;
1941:sold “676,000 liang (1 liang = 50 gram)” of opium to the Chinese people “inside the Donganhe region”;
From September 1942 to 31 March 1944:during the term of governor of the puppet Jiandao Province of the “Manchukuo”, ordered to “use 15,000” Chinese laborers to build roads for the military use of the Japanese Kwantung Army;
April 1943:to construct the airport in Yanji County, “in the name of military request, ordered Yanji County to expropriate 10 hectares of private land, affecting 3 families with15 people”;
From 1942 to 1943:conscripted the Chinese people in areas under the administration, “conscripted a total of 12,000 Chinese people, and those in the prime years and were not conscripted were forced to join the labor teams according to law; during my term of office, I used around 12,000 able-bodied men every year, who did the same work as ordinary laborers”; I also sold “about 350,400 liang (1 liang = 50 gram)” of opium to the Chinese people in areas under the administration.”